COVID-19 Rules and Regulations

Honesdale Golf Club is taking COVID-19 seriously when reopening as recreation. Based on the PGA, USGA, and CDC Guidance for protection of our members and employees, we are enacting new rules, regulations, and restrictions at the Honesdale Golf Club effective immediately; until further notice during this COVID-19 Pandemic.

Please note regulations and limitations may change on a daily basis, based on guidance from GAP, PGA, USGA, and CDC.

Updated: Sunday, April 4, 2021

Commencing immediately, new regulations and rules will be in effect at Honesdale Golf Club.

Rules and Regulations

Member Guide to Using the HGC Facilities During COVID-19

  1. Social distancing and hand washing/disinfecting is a requirement.
  2. Face masks must be worn in the clubhouse at all times.
  3. Face masks are recommended on the course and each player must follow both Commonwealth of PA and CDC recommendations.
  4. Please do not gather in group in any common areas including the parking lot.
  5. When using the common areas (restrooms) please disinfect your area prior to leaving.
  6. Beverages cannot leave the HGC property.
  7. Limited play is permitted, but a tee time is required.
  8. Tee times can be made by Chronogolf. No walk on golfers permitted.
  9. Tee times will be 12 minutes apart.
  10. Members should arrive no more 15 minutes prior to the tee time to prepare for play.
  11. Practice areas will be limited to the golfers 15 minutes prior to their tee time, practicing social distancing.
  12. Divot mix is located on carts and is sanitized with the cart.
  13. All bags and equipment must be handled by the member and be returned to their car following play.
  14. All carts are washed and disinfected after each use and ready for play.
  15. Please follow ALL on course and clubhouse directions.
  16. If you have a question, please ask one of the staff members for directions.
  17. Each member needs to be understanding and helpful while we all work through this crisis.
  18. Please look for ways to help.
  19. A smoking area has been established next to the handicap area. No more than 1 member or employee may use the area a time. Smoking on the deck is no longer permitted.

Bar, Restaurant, and Beverage Rules and Regulations

As COVID-19 cases have declined and vaccination rates are climbing, Governor Tom Wolf today announced the lifting of some targeted restrictions on restaurants and other businesses, as well as increased gathering limits.

Effective April 4, restaurants may resume bar service; alcohol service will be allowed without the purchase of food; the curfew for removing alcoholic drinks from tables will be lifted; and indoor dining capacity will be raised to 75 percent for those restaurants that are currently self-certified and those that undergo the self-certification process, which involves agreeing to strictly comply to all public health safety guidelines and orders, including the cleaning and mitigation protocols and other operational requirements contained in the Governor and Secretary of Health’s mitigation and enforcement orders issued on November 23, 2020, as amended. Those restaurants that do not self-certify may raise capacity to 50 percent. Outdoor dining, curbside pick-up and takeout are still encouraged.

Requirements such as mask-wearing, and social distancing, including 6 feet between diners, also still apply.

Capacity for other businesses also will be increased effective April 4, including moving personal services facilities, gyms and entertainment facilities (casinos, theatres, malls) to 75 percent occupancy.

The governor also announced revised maximum occupancy limits for indoor events to allow for 25% of maximum occupancy, regardless of venue size, and maximum occupancy limits for outdoor events to allow for 50% of maximum occupancy, regardless of venue size. Maximum occupancy is permitted only if attendees and workers are able to comply with the 6-foot physical distancing requirement.

Hours of Operations

Dining Room and Bar Hours

Spring and Fall Hours of Operation (Before Memorial Day / After Labor Day)

Monday - Saturday
11:00 AM - 9:00 PM

11:00 AM - 7:00 PM

In Season Hours of Operation (Memorial Day - Labor Day)

Monday - Saturday
11:00 AM - 9:00 PM

11:00 AM - 7:00 PM

Season Hours of Operation (After Labor Day - Close of Season)

Monday - Saturday
11:00 AM - 8:00 PM

11:00 AM - 7:00 PM

Clubhouse Winter Season Hours of Operation

4:00 PM - 8:00 PM

4:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Pro Shop Hours

Spring Hours of Operation (Before Memorial Day)

Sunday - Saturday
9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

In Season Hours of Operation (Memorial Day - Labor Day)

Sunday and Saturday (Weekends)
7:00 AM - 6:30 PM

Monday - Friday
9:00 AM - 6:30 PM

Season Hours of Operation (After Labor Day - Close of Season)

Sunday and Saturday
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Tee Time Schedule

Please visit and click on Book A Tee Time, or Login

You must have a registered Chronogolf Account, as we notified you by e-mail a few weeks ago. If you have not registered your club e-mail account with Chronogolf, please visit their website now and scroll down (under the login box) and click on Member of a club using Chronogolf? Read the instructions for Members. If you need assistance with your Chronogolf account, please let us know. Feel free to call at 570-253-5616.

Tee times will be available for 9 or 18 hole reservations only and every person will have their own cart. Incomplete foursomes will be filled with foursomes to keep play moving. You will also be limited in how many times you can schedule a tee time slot in a 24 hour period.

Service Fees

Due to the COVID-19 compliance and regulations, we are charging a small cleaning fee on all golf carts. This fee is included in the price of the cart. We also included all PA Sales Tax within the price of the cart for your convenience.


Failure to comply with these rules and regulations may result in suspension up and to expulsion as permitted by the By-Laws of Honesdale Golf Club and the Board of Director's as the govenrning body.

Membership FAQ

How Do I Activate My Member Account?

Activate your member account today.

How Do I Book On The Calendar As A Member?

In this video, we'll go over the process of booking a tee-time as a…

How Do I Book On The Tee-Sheet As A Member?

In this video, we'll go over the process of booking a tee-time as a…

How to add a Credit Card when it is required by the Club

Tutorial on how to add a credit card on your Chronogolf Account…

Making House Account Payments

How do I pay my house account online?

Understanding House Account Statements

Member house account statements from the golfer's dashboard.

Where do I send my payment to?

Please mail payments or call us to setup ACH or Auto-charge today!


Member Login

Logon to view your online membership, statements, and book tee times.

Membership F.A.Q. and Help

This area of the website is designed to assist members with frequently…

Text Alerts Sign Up

Sign up for Text Alerts at Honesdale Golf Club

Update Member Data

Updating Demographic Data for your Membership

Upcoming Events

Saint Patrick's Day

Mar 15, 2025, 4:00 PM

Join us for a Saint Patrick's Day Party at Honesdale Golf Club on…

Easter Bunny Brunch

Apr 6, 2025, 10:00 AM

We will be hosting an Easter Bunny Brunch Party and Egg Hunt on…


Honesdale Golf Club
121 Golf Hill Road
PO BOX 573
Honesdale, PA 18431
Phone: (570) 253-5616
Fax: (570) 616-4650

The official registration and financial information of Honesdale Golf Club and Honesdale Golf Heritage Club may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State. Registration does not imply endorsement. The Honesdale Golf Heritage Club is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, donations to which are tax deductible to the fullest extent permitted by law.  Honesdale Golf Club is a 501(c)(7) nonprofit organization located at 121 Golf Hill Road, Honesdale PA 18431.

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